Working Toward Concussion Awareness
Sport Yukon is working with Yukon Sport Organizations, the Yukon Sport & Recreation Branch, and the Recreation & Parks Association of Yukon to establish consistent information, resources and protocols.
Working together we will ensure a safe sport and recreation environment in the Yukon.
Canadian Concussion Guidelines
As part of a national project to harmonize concussion guidelines and protocols, Parachute Canada led the development of the Canadian Concussion Guidelines. Harmonized protocols will better equip coaches, officials, athletes, parents and medical professionals with information that is consistent and based on evidence.
The recommendations include:
Pre-season education
Head Injury Recognition
On-site Medical Assessments
Medical Assessments
Concussion Management
Multidisciplinary Concussion Care
Return to Sport
Return To Play Guidelines
A concussion is a serious event, but you can recover fully from such an injury if the brain is given enough time to rest and recuperate. Returning to normal activities, including sport participation, is a step-wise process that requires patience, attention, and caution. Return to Sport Guidelines.
Athletes who are diagnosed with a concussion should be managed according to the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport including the Return-to-School and Return-to-Sport Strategies. No athlete that has been diagnosed and is being treated for a concussion should be “returned to play” without presenting this Medical Clearance Letter.
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury that cannot be seen on routine x-rays, CT scans or MRIs. Any blow to the head, face, neck, or a blow to the body that jars the head, could cause a concussion.
More concussion resources to be used and shared with your athletes, coaches and parents.